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voting in the second year of the competition for the best model of the year has ended. I must state that we were very positively surprised by the participation in the competition. 15 contestants applied by the deadline, one modeler sent his photos after the deadline for applications and therefore we did not include him in the competition. Voting was public and 696 voters cast their votes. Personally, I have to say that more than eighty percent of the submitted models were, in our opinion, at a high level in terms of the quality of gluing, retouching, and processing of details.

The vote was as follows:

239 votes went to the Peugeot Boxer model from modeler Artem (due to the simplicity of the model, it was not possible to objectively compare the model with far more demanding and complex models, so we finally decided to put this model in a separate category)

166 votes were won by the model Western Star 6900 XD from modeler Jean-Luc Colin

74 votes were won by the Demag Krupp model by modeler Przemek W

66 votes were won by model Škoda ST 180 from modeler Jiří Lasák

41 votes were won by the model Iveco Magirus from modeler Diax

23 votes were won by the model Kenworth C 550 Crane from modeler Juan Aliu

23 votes were won by the model Liaz 150 from modeler Ľubomír Papánek

22 votes were won by the model Kenworth W900 from modeler Pavel Křen

15 votes were won by the model Škoda 706 RT from model maker Andelos

11 votes were won by the model Hummer H1 from the model maker Hainer

The model Peterbilt 353 Alaska from modeler Vladiimír Bareš received 7 votes

The Iveco Turbostar model from modeler Gergely Pap received 5 votes

The Kaelble model from modeler Kamil Jekl received 5 votes

The model Tatra 813 8x8 by modeler Pavel Meravý received 3 votes

The Tatra Phoenix model from modeler Jan Orel received 2 votes


In the category of simple models:

award-winning modeler is Artem


In the category of complex models: 

first place belongs to Jean-Luc Colin

the second place belongs to Przemek W

third place belongs to Jiří Lasák


The organizers of the competition also decided to award the best model award to Jiří Lasák for the Škoda ŠT 180 model with interior.


We thank all participants and congratulate the winners. We are looking forward to seeing you in the next edition of the competition for the best model of the year, most likely with a revised model rating system.