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b_350_250_1513754_0_0_images_logoskcz.jpg Hello friends. This week, on Thursday, February 18, we reached exactly three years when, after long preparations, our Vilo (IT support) "started" a new website online. In those three years, a lot has happened on the website and at the same time the time has gone so fast. From the original project of three people, our site, with the help of other members of the minimodel team, has become a new online home for a growing number of minimodels that you can and will still be able to download freely and enjoy by gluing and adding them to collections. All this also thanks to the authors, who in their free time create increasingly beautiful minimodels, also thanks to the archives of models from already inactive authors. 


In the Minimodel Team section, I was able to add the profile of our Tomáš D., to the third anniversary. Team members know that without his initial idea and many years of work, we would never have known each other, and I dare say that people from all over the world would never have had the opportunity to get to know such a collection of Minimodels. If you want to know more, be sure to read his comprehensive answers to the questionnaire. (please use google translator)

Models from Schroub or Triple M are gradually being added to the website, Frenkye is drawing other "appetizers" from various parts of the world, and the models of another sought-after archival author will be also being published.

I firmly believe that you appreciate our efforts and are satisfied with the way this whole project continues on its journey, which certainly does not end.

Finally, on behalf of our team, I wish you another successful year on our website and many successful additions to the collections in the form of finished Minimodels from all authors on our website.